Privacy Policy

“Personally Identifiable Information” (PII) is governed by the terms and conditions herein. PII is data that could be utilized all alone or with other data to identify, locate, or contact an individual. Attolink, including its subsidiaries and business affiliates (all in all “Attolink” “we”, “us”, and/or “our”) is dedicated to safeguarding the security of its clients. The accompanying Privacy Policy (1) concerns you when you visit and utilize our Services, and (2) unveils how we gather, use, secure, or in any case handle data and information we accumulate about you; and (3), provides you options with what we can do with such PII.

The Privacy Policy additionally applies to the following: (I) the Attolink website (the “Webpage”) or other Attolink sites, including any web-based accounts thereunder, (ii) Attolink items or administrations, including, without restriction, programming, versatile applications, online administrations, network administrations, equipment or gadgets, or (iii) different items and administrations that explicitly reference or connection to this Privacy Policy (all in all, the “Services”), no matter what the means by which you access the Services, for example, by your utilization of a PC, cell phone or other device(s). The Services do exclude sites, portable applications, gadgets, equipment, programming, different items, or different administrations that reference, work under, or connection to another security strategy.

Information gathered by us or from Third Parties

You are on notice that your data can be gathered by us and by third-parties. For example, data about you might be gathered from connections you have with our clients or different elements that use our Services. We may also gather data relating to those services from third-parties, for example, credit announcing organizations or monetary foundations. Preceding the assortment of data from a credit detailing office, where the Services we are giving you can bring about such assortment, a different approval will be acquired from you.

Cookies and Web Beacons

Cookies are files that a webpage or its specialist organization moves to your gadget, like a PC’s hard drive through your internet browser (assuming you permit) or that can be put away on a cell phone, that empowers the website’s or specialist co-op’s frameworks to perceive your program or gadget and catch and recollect specific data. Cookies are helpful as they permit a site to perceive a client’s gadget. Assuming you have enlisted for a client account on the Webpage, these cookies might tell us what your identity is, might be important to get to your record data, and may furnish us and our specialist co-ops with data that we will involve to customize the Services as per your inclinations. These cookies may likewise permit us to recall and handle the things in your shopping basket, comprehend and save your inclinations for future visits, incorporate total information about Webpage traffic and Webpage communications to offer better encounters. We may likewise utilize outsider services including but not limited to third party companies and/or contractors, that track this data for our benefit.

Web Beacons (web bug, web tag, pixel tag, or clear GIF) are an HTML-formatted image or other article that is put on a page or in an email, that can be utilized to follow the internet based activities and action of clients by communicating data back to a web server. Web Beacons might permit us to analyze which pages you visit on the Webpage and is utilized to help us enhance and design the Services for you and other future guests to the Webpage.

Utilization Of Information

Notwithstanding the purposes made of the data expressed above, we might utilize the data we gather from you:

To work with your admittance to and utilization of the Services, (2) To give, make due, and oversee the Services, (3) To work on our Site and Services to all the more likely serve you, (4) To circle back to you after correspondence (live visit, email, or telephone requests), (5) To keep up with inward recordkeeping and releasing, (6) To identify and forestall unapproved utilization of the Site or Services, (7) To screen consistence with the law and our Terms of Use, (8) To uphold our legitimate privileges and fulfill our lawful commitments, including without constraint any announcing or divulgence commitments under relevant regulation or guidelines or summon, court request or other legal or authoritative cycle, or when we have confidence sincerely that exposure is lawfully required or generally important to safeguard our freedoms and property, or the privileges, property or wellbeing of others, (9) To move data or potentially resources in case of a consolidation, obtaining, deal, or other corporate rebuilding, and/or (10) For some other reason allowed under pertinent regulation and guideline or consented to in this Privacy Policy or revealed at the time the data is gathered. SECURITY OF PII Data gathered by us about you, including individual data, might be moved across borders all over the planet. By utilizing our Services and giving data to utilize, you agree to the exchange and handling of data, as portrayed in this Privacy Policy, in offices that might be situated in the United States or abroad. Your use of our Services confirms your consent to our policies, even if such policies may differ from those in the country in which you reside.

We keep up with sensible physical, specialized, electronic, authoritative and administrative methods to safeguard data sent to us on the Webpage and gathered and put away in our servers. Security protections might incorporate networks, firewalls, and actual access controls to our servers.

No warranty or guarantee is provided by us regarding any third party breaches or unintentional disbursement of your data. You are, individually and solely, responsible for your data through the use of our Services.

We might share segment data, area information, promoting identifiers, IP address, and total (not individual) use measurements for the Services with sponsors and other third-parties.

To get to or change your data, sign in to your record through the Services. For data or information not accessible for alteration through such a record, if it’s not too much trouble, get in touch with us as stated herein.


We do not sell your PII to third parties. We use your PII and send it to third-parties who help us with our business activities, with the arrangement of the Services, with our showcasing or promoting efforts, or in conveying you the elements and usefulness that you have mentioned (on the whole alluded to in this as “Outsider Processors”). These Third-Party Processors incorporate organizations, as distinguished beforehand, that assist us with grasping use inclinations and other examination in regards to the Services, marketing, and other services. Outsider Processors are approved to utilize the individual information that we give to them just to complete the help they are accommodating us.


We might offer outsider items or administrations on our Webpage and may have links that may direct you to other providers, vendors, goods, and/or services. Any other websites to which you are directed may have their own terms and conditions and you are advised to review the same. We are not responsible for any data gathered, payments made to, or otherwise any interactions with any such other websites.


Our business may grow, be sold, be purchased, merge with, close, or otherwise change. We claim all authority to move any data we gather in any such event. We intend to take care of any data in conjunction with the policies herein.


You may opt out of any tracking and other collection of data. The following websites may be beneficial for the same:

We encourage you to contact your technical assistance for any additional opting out based on your browser, hardware, etc.

Managing Cookies

You can manage your cookies and local storage for the particular internet browser that you are using. As you may expect, we use Cookies to provide a better experience for you and may use Cookies to provide the Services. Should you wish to learn more about cookies, please visit

California Residents

If you are a resident of the State of California, you may annually ask for and acquire data with respect to divulgence made by us of your own data in the former schedule year. You may send an email to [email protected] for such a request.

If you are a resident of the State of California and are under the age of eighteen, you may contact us to remove public postings or submissions to our Webpage. To request the removal of any public postings or submissions, you may email us at the email in the preceding paragraph. Within requirements of CA law, we reserve the right to view, edit, modify, and delete any public posts, submissions, comments, and other publication.

For California Residents only, the policy terms in this section are governed by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) and different California protection regulations. The terms in this notice contain the same meaning as those defined in the CCPA.

Data Collection Overview

PPI may be obtained from:

Our clients or their representatives (directly). Indirectly from our clients or their representatives. (e.g. data we gather from our clients while providing Services). Both directly and/or indirectly from engagement on our Webpage. Through third parties that we collaborate with in relation to the Services Type of PPI collected includes but is not limited to:

Category of DataExamples of Personal Data
I. California Customer Records Statute-defined categories of Personal InformationA name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport numbers, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number
II. Personal IdentifiersName, date of birth, address, personal identifier, IP address, phone number, email address, account name, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers.
III. Protected classification under California or federal lawRace, religion, gender, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, creed, marital status, age over 40, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions, sexual orientation, veteran or military status, genetic information.
IV. Commercial InformationPersonal property, products or services purchased or received, or consumption histories or inclinations.
V. Biometric InformationBiometric Information
VI. Internet or other similar network activityCookie history, browsing history, search history, etc.
VII. Geolocation dataPhysical location and/or movements.
VIII. Sensory dataAudio, video, olfactory, or other sensory information.
IX. Professional or employment-related informationCurrent or past employment or performance evaluations.
X. Non-public education information (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act)Education records, student identification, financial information, or other student records.
XI. Inferences drawn from other personal informationProfile reflecting a person’s personality and personal traits, habits, behavior and predispositions.

Gathered Personal Data Does Not Include:

Freely accessible data from government records. De-identified or aggregated customer data. Medical or health information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) and the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA), or clinical trial data; Individual data covered by sector-specific privacy laws, including: the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA) or California Financial Information Privacy Act (FIPA), and the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994.

Personal Data Use

We may use PPI and other personal data:

To satisfy or meet the justification for which the data is given. (2) To furnish you with data, items, or Services. (3) To give you updates. (4) For testing, exploration, investigation and item advancement. (5) To conform to regulations, court requests, or legislative guidelines. (6) To comply with federal, state, or local laws. (7) To pursue or defend against civil or criminal legal claims. (8) For any corporate changes such as merges, acquisitions, etc.

Disclosing Personal Data

We may share your personal data with third parties. Such parties include but are not limited to our subsidiaries, affiliates, vendors, or third parties to whom you or your representatives approve us to release your data.

Data Portability Rights, Access to Information on Personal Data Use

You may request information about your data’s disclosure for the preceding year for the following categories: (1) The data we gathered about you. (2) The classes of personal data we gathered. (3) The source categories for the personal data we gathered about you. (4) Our business or business reason for gathering or selling that individual data. (5) The classifications of outsiders with whom we share that individual data. (6) Assuming we sold or released your personal data for a business reason, two separate records will be provided: (i) Deals, recognizing the individual data classifications that every class of beneficiary bought; and (ii) Exposures for a business reason, distinguishing the individual data classes that every classification of beneficiary acquired.

Users’ Deletion Request Rights

You reserve the right to demand that we erase/delete any of your own data that we gathered from you and held, dependent upon specific exemptions. Upon receiving a proper request we will erase your data from our records, except if an exemption applies.

If we deny your deletion request, it is due to the information being necessary for our service providers to perform Services, protect against fraud or illegal activities, prevent violation of others’ rights including ours, compliance with state or federal law, or for any reasons allowed and at our discretion regarding the same.

Engaging in User Access, Deletion Options/Rights, Data Portability

In order to exercise user access, deletion rights, and data portability, users, or parents acting for minors, should submit a verifiable consumer request to us via email to: [email protected]. Such requests may be made every six (6) months and must be detailed enough to identify you and your data or else we will not be able to honor requests regarding the data. Valid requests will be responded to within ninety (90) days.

CCPA Non-Discrimination

To prevent discrimination for exercising your CCPA rights, we will not deny you the Services otherwise retaliate.

Children Online Privacy Protection Act

If you are under the age of thirteen (13), you are NOT allowed to visit, use, interact with the Webpage or our Services.


CAN SPAM Act disclosures: PPI including but not limited to your email and physical address may be used to (a) Send data, answer requests, and perform Services; and (b) Future marketing.

Privacy Policy Amendments

We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy at our discretion and urge you to check this page regularly. Your acceptance of any up-to-date Privacy Policy is implied with continued usage of the Webpage or any Services.